How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

Keeping your dog cool in hot weather is all about careful preparation and planning ahead. This will keep your dog healthy and happy, and will reduce the risk of your dog suffering from heatstroke. To help you stay on top of things, we've put together our top 5 summer dog care tips & useful items, so you can safely enjoy sunny days with your best friend.

1. Always Have Fresh, Cold Water Available

Yes, I know - tooting our own horn. We do sell dog water bottles, and they're mighty useful but they aren't the main reason why you need to have water on hand. Did you know that most of a dog's sweat glands are located on their paws and the nose? To help them out at really high temperatures, it's always good to have some extra water besides a bottle to sprinkle onto your pet and help them cool down.

2. Invest In Some Water Activities

If you don't have a pool or lawn with sprinklers around, you and your pup can go on an adventure to a lake or a river/stream nearby to enjoy some cooling off. Just don't forget towels.

If you're not a fan of the outdoors, well, then just get a cat.

3. Avoid Heat During Midday

Never a good idea to go out for a walk in the scorching heat, for humans or pets alike. Try to plan your walks in the early morning or evening.

If you really want to be out on the sun, or you live in a hot & humid climate where it's always hot, you might consider getting a cooling vest for your dog. They are rarely cheap, but they will keep your pet cool for hours and away from heatstrokes.

4. Never Leave Your Dog In A Car

Even parked in the shade with the windows open, dogs can become distressed and uncomfortable very easily. The consequences can sometimes be fatal. Make sure you have a plan where your dog isn't left alone in the car or any other enclosed tight spaces.

5. Keep Your House Cool

If your dog's home alone, make sure you leave the AC on and close the drapes. If you don't have AC, open the windows and turn on a fan. You may also want to invest into a cooling pad or a vest.


Heatstroke develops when a dog can't reduce their body temperature and it can be fatal. Signs of heatstroke include:

  • Heavy panting
  • Glazed eyes
  • Excessive salivation
  • A rapid pulse
  • Lack of coordination
  • Vomiting or diarrhea 
  • Loss of consciousness


If you're suspecting your dog has a heat stroke, you need to act fast. Take your dog to a shaded, cool area. Apply towels soaked in cold water to their head neck and chest, and let them drink some water or lick an ice cube. Be careful not to give them too much water at once as they may go into shock.

Make sure you contact your vet at the first opportunity if you suspect your dog has a heatstroke.

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